BTTT for Lost and Adrift--and any other UK members or lurkers
please introduce yourselves
BTTT for Lost and Adrift--and any other UK members or lurkers
please introduce yourselves
.just plucking up the courage to introduce in ireland but from the uk originally.
..drifted away due to depression (from all things truth related lol and bereavements and my m.s husband cheating on me and leaving !!
) few years ago but they recently hunted me down (they contacted me the day my other half was diagnosed with cancer!
hello Lost and drift--welcome to the site. Very sad to read your story---but youre amongst friends here....most of us have bad experiences with the watchtower.
i'm in the UK------and did you know--Simon--the site owner--was from Manchester!
heres a link to lots of other UK members:
i'm a naughty girl, i love it, it makes me laugh & i love to laugh.
life is so serious, not enough smiles i think.
my husband got me a new toy, it's the fart gun from despicable me.
i'm a naughty girl, i love it, it makes me laugh & i love to laugh.
life is so serious, not enough smiles i think.
my husband got me a new toy, it's the fart gun from despicable me.
i'm a naughty girl, i love it, it makes me laugh & i love to laugh.
life is so serious, not enough smiles i think.
my husband got me a new toy, it's the fart gun from despicable me.
i'm happy to join every ex-jw.borg site i can and support in whatever way i can.
i now regularly donate to these sites when available.
i'm bitter but i don't hate jws because they were brainwashed like we all were.
i was present for the first bethel talk introducing the iron boot back into the field.
i saw many 20-30 year people get reassigned to special pioneering.
this year, most of them got the boot again and were encouraged to regular pioneer (back to back boots):) this week i received a called from some bethelites and guess where they are all being reassigned to.
the wtbts/ org dictates to its subservient followers what constitutes a bible truth/principle and what does not.
example: it-1 p. 319 birthday - ".....there is no indication in the scriptures that faithful worshipers of jehovah ever indulged in the pagan practice of annually celebrating birthdays.
the bible makes direct reference to only two birthday celebrations, those of pharaoh of egypt and herod antipas.
this guy took over the exjw group i follow and just sent out this email to all of all members : i stepped in as an organizer to save the group in the hopes of connecting with other believers.
it appears that after leaving jehovahs witnesses you all have given up your promise to spend the rest of your lives serving god.
that now your free to just do whatever you want!
i need some advice guys.
how do you get people to mind their own buiseness without coming off as rude?.
i was invited to a jw gathering last night.
as soon as anyone starts asking you questione youre uncomfortable with---take charge of the conversation
ignore the questions--tell them stuff thats guaranteed to drive them away:
tell them youre having difficulty making ends meet
in fact
tell them youre broke
ask them to help you out with a loan for a few weeks--a few hundred would make a world of difference
at this point they will have lost all interest in you--and will be looking for any excuse to excuse themselves.
have fun.